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Event Details
Description: Adapted physical education (APE) plays a unique role in special education. This session will give the audience an understanding of how APE fits into the special education process. As well
Event Details
Adapted physical education (APE) plays a unique role in special education. This session will give the audience an understanding of how APE fits into the special education process. As well as the rights of parents and students when it comes to adapted physical education services and how they can advocate for services.
Dr. Brock McMullen teaches in the Department of Exercise and Sport Science at UW-La Crosse. Dr. McMullen holds doctoral and master’s degrees in Physical and Adapted Physical Education from the University of Utah. He directs the undergraduate Physical, Adapted, and School Health Education program, the Graduate Adapted Physical Education Program, and the Center on Disability Health and Adapted Physical Activity which offers physical activity opportunities to those with disabilities in the greater La Crosse area. He teaches adapted physical education classes at undergraduate and graduate levels and is actively involved with adapted physical education teachers across the state.
Learning Objectives:
Gain knowledge and understanding of what IDEA, the federal law, says regarding Adapted Physical Education.
Understand how APE fits into, and can be a part of the special education process. Specifically, how parents/families can advocate for services.
Understand the relationship between Adapted Physical Education and related services.
February 19, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-06:00)
Event Details
Descripción: El proceso del Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP) incluye procedimientos de evaluación descritos en las leyes federales y estatales que una escuela debe seguir, para determinar si un niño es
Event Details
El proceso del Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP) incluye procedimientos de evaluación descritos en las leyes federales y estatales que una escuela debe seguir, para determinar si un niño es elegible para recibir ayuda adicional a través de la educación especial.
Este módulo de la Serie de Mini Módulos del Programa de Educación Individualizado (IEP) incluye procedimientos relacionados con: el aviso de evaluación, el consentimiento de los padres, la evaluación y las pruebas, la lista de verificación de elegibilidad, la extensión del tiempo de evaluación, la determinación de si el niño tiene discapacidad y necesita educación especial y servicios relacionados, el informe de evaluación y la línea de tiempo en educación especial.
Objetivos de aprendizaje:
Los participantes podrán describir el cronograma de evaluación y determinación de elegibilidad.
Los participantes podrán identificar partes clave del proceso de evaluación.
Los participantes podrán hablar del reporte de evaluación y cómo se determina la elegibilidad.
Nathaly Silva especialista bilingüe en WI FACETS. Soy mama de un niño con una discapacidad, él tiene Autismo y es no verbal y se lo difícil que puede ser navegar la educación especial por eso pienso que aprender lo más que se pueda sobre la condición de sus hijos y sobre la educación especial puede ayudar mucho para ser un mejor defensor de sus hijos
February 20, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-06:00)
Event Details
This webinar will be translated into Spanish Este seminario web será traducido al español Description: Having a real job in the community brings many benefits, including being connected to the community and
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This webinar will be translated into Spanish
Este seminario web será traducido al español
Having a real job in the community brings many benefits, including being connected to the community and the empowering feeling of being valued by an employer. This session highlights the importance of people with disabilities getting the opportunity to explore employment and gives families and professionals strategies and tools to support people towards employment success. Topics include an overview of the employment process, the power of focusing on a good job match, and tips on how families can help build work skills.
Tener un empleo real en la comunidad ofrece muchos beneficios, como establecer conexiones con la comunidad y experimentar la satisfacción de sentirse valorado por un empleador. Esta sesión resalta la importancia de que las personas con discapacidades tengan la oportunidad de explorar el empleo y ofrece estrategias y herramientas a las familias y profesionales para apoyar el éxito laboral. Los temas incluyen una descripción general del proceso de empleo, la importancia de encontrar un buen ajuste laboral y consejos sobre cómo las familias pueden ayudar a desarrollar habilidades laborales.
Sean Roy is the Chief Innovation and Training Officer for TransCen Inc. In this position he works to provide training and technical assistance to states, employment professionals and schools, leading to improved success for individuals with disabilities who are transitioning from school into the workforce and life in the community. Sean is a long-time family advocate and draws from life experience as a sibling of an adult with developmental disabilities.
Sean Roy es el Director de Innovación y Capacitación en TransCen Inc. En este cargo, trabaja para brindar capacitación y asistencia técnica a estados, profesionales del empleo y escuelas, promoviendo el éxito de personas con discapacidades que están en transición de la escuela al empleo y la vida en la comunidad. Sean es un defensor de las familias desde hace mucho tiempo y se inspira en su experiencia de vida como hermano de un adulto con discapacidades del desarrollo.
- Título: Director de Innovación y Capacitación
- Organización: TransCen
Learning Objectives:
- Families will learn about the role employment plays in a person’s “good life”.
- Attendees will better understand the various aspects of an effective job search.
- Attendees will gain tools and strategies to initiate a strengths-based approach to employment.
Objetivos de aprendizaje:
- Las familias aprenderán sobre el papel que juega el empleo en una “vida plena”.
- Los asistentes comprenderán mejor los diferentes aspectos de una búsqueda de empleo efectiva.
- Los asistentes obtendrán herramientas y estrategias para iniciar un enfoque basado en fortalezas hacia el empleo.
February 24, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-06:00)
Event Details
THIS WEBINAR WILL NOT BE RECORDED This webinar will also be translated into Spanish. ESTE SEMINARIO WEB NO SERÁ GRABADO Este seminario web será traducido al español. Description: Families often experience anxiety when their
Event Details
This webinar will also be translated into Spanish.
Este seminario web será traducido al español.
Families often experience anxiety when their child/tween with intellectual disabilities begins to exhibit changes that occur during puberty. In this workshop, parents will learn about the most frequently identified issues and concerns of parents of tweens with I/DD and practical ways to address them. Visual tools, fun learning activities, and useful resources specifically designed for individuals with intellectual disabilities will be shared.
Las familias a menudo experimentan ansiedad cuando su hijo/a preadolescente con discapacidades intelectuales comienza a manifestar cambios propios de la pubertad. En este taller, los padres aprenderán sobre los temas y preocupaciones más comunes identificados por padres de preadolescentes con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo (I/DD) y formas prácticas de abordarlos. Se compartirán herramientas visuales, actividades divertidas de aprendizaje y recursos útiles diseñados específicamente para personas con discapacidades intelectuales.
Terri Couwenhoven, M.S. is a certified sexuality educator who specializes in developing programs and resources for people who have intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families and the professionals who support them. She is the author of Teaching Children with Down syndrome about their Bodies, Boundaries and Sexuality: A Guide for Parents and Professionals, The Girls’ Guide to Growing Up: Choices and Changes in the Tween Years, A Boy’s Guide to Growing Up: Choices & Changes During Puberty and for teens and young adults, Boyfriends & Girlfriends: A Guide to Dating for People with Disabilities. When she is not teaching or writing, she is Clinic Coordinator for the Down Syndrome Clinic at Children’s Wisconsin. She is the mother of two girls. Her oldest daughter has Down syndrome.
Terri Couwenhoven, M.S., es una educadora certificada en sexualidad que se especializa en desarrollar programas y recursos para personas con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo, sus familias y los profesionales que los apoyan. Es autora de varios libros, incluyendo Teaching Children with Down Syndrome about their Bodies, Boundaries and Sexuality: A Guide for Parents and Professionals, The Girls’ Guide to Growing Up: Choices and Changes in the Tween Years, A Boy’s Guide to Growing Up: Choices & Changes During Puberty y, para adolescentes y adultos jóvenes, Boyfriends & Girlfriends: A Guide to Dating for People with Disabilities.
Cuando no está enseñando o escribiendo, Terri trabaja como Coordinadora de la Clínica de Síndrome de Down en Children’s Wisconsin. Es madre de dos hijas, y su hija mayor tiene síndrome de Down.
Learning Objectives:
Describe 5 common parental concerns during pubescence
Identify strategies for supporting youth with I/DD
Share resources designed for people with I/DD and their parents
Objetivos de aprendizaje:
- Describir 5 preocupaciones comunes de los padres durante la pubertad
- Identificar estrategias para apoyar a los jóvenes con discapacidades intelectuales y del desarrollo (I/DD)
- Compartir recursos diseñados para personas con I/DD y sus padres
February 25, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-06:00)
Event Details
Description: This workshop will provide a basic overview of the eight sensory systems and how they impact our regulation and function. We will then integrate this knowledge to guide selection of
Event Details
This workshop will provide a basic overview of the eight sensory systems and how they impact our regulation and function. We will then integrate this knowledge to guide selection of versatile, accessible equipment and creation of therapeutic spaces to support a child’s nervous system for daily activities such as sleeping, eating, learning, playing, socializing, and more. Participants will walk away with ideas for low to no cost tools/strategies to support a child’s ability to meaningfully engage in everyday life.
Cassie Wilcox is an occupational therapist specializing in sensory integration therapy and integrative health practices. Cassie works with children and their caregivers (particularly parents and teachers) to support optimal quality of life in the home and/or community environments. Cassie uses play-based techniques and caregiver education to help reshape an over-taxed nervous system so that one may meaningfully engage in self-care, learning, motor, or social activities. Cassie takes a strong family-systems approach to her work and believes an empowered parent leads to a regulated child.
Learning Objectives:
Participants will gain a basic understanding of the sensory systems and how they impact regulation.
Participants will be able to identify at least three pieces of equipment that can be used to support a child’s just-right state of energy/emotion/behavior to match the activity at hand.
Parents will learn how to use what they already have in the home to support their child’s nervous system regulation.
February 26, 2025 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-06:00)