Participating in Transition Planning through the WiTransition App

Participating in Transition Planning through the WiTransition App

14feb12:00 pm12:45 pmParticipating in Transition Planning through the WiTransition App12:00 pm - 12:45 pm(GMT-06:00)

Event Details

The Transition Improvement Grant (TIG) has designed a transition app to increase self-direction and self-advocacy for youth and families in the transition planning process. Through this training opportunity, families will view the app and learn how to utilize it through the transition planning process.

Learning objectives:

  1. Increase family knowledge of the WiTransition App.
  2. Demonstrate how to utilize the WiTransition App for preparation of transition planning.

Presenter: Pam Jenson

Pam Jenson is the Technical Assistance Project Coordinator for the statewide Transition Improvement Grant (TIG). Pam’s educational background includes a Masters Degree in Vocational Rehabilitation from UW-Stout. For over 30 years, Pam has worked with individuals with disabilities in various transitional capacities. She has consulted youth, teachers, parents, agency providers, businesses and community members regarding the pathways and benefits of transition, accommodations, and acceptance of persons with disabilities. She brings her expertise, enthusiasm and excitement to ignite conversation about innovative and effective strategic planning that will bring measurable results in transition statewide.


February 14, 2024 12:00 pm - 12:45 pm(GMT-06:00)

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