Preparing for Smooth and Successful Grade-Level Transitions

Preparing for Smooth and Successful Grade-Level Transitions

17apr12:00 pm1:00 pmPreparing for Smooth and Successful Grade-Level Transitions12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-05:00)

Event Details

Rescheduled- new date will be announced soon. 



Transition is a natural part of life and occurs throughout a student’s school career.  Students with disabilities are expected to adjust to changes in teachers, classmates, schedules, buildings, and routines as they transition from one grade level to the next. Their families have many concerns about those changes and rely on school staff to help make the transition process smoother. We’ll talk about communication, preparation, and planning strategies that will help students and their families feel more confident and ready.

Learning objectives:

  • Explore the common concerns and worries that accompany transitions between grade levels.
  • Identify the common concerns and questions that students and families have about what the next year will look like.
  • Learn strategies school staff can use to help students and their families.

Presenter: Cheri Sylla

Cheri Sylla is the Statewide Family Engagement Coaching Coordinator for the Wisconsin Statewide Parent-Educator Initiative (WSPEI).  She has over 20 years of experience in family engagement work in schools and working with and supporting families of students with disabilities.  Her passion is building the ability of families and staff to partner and work together.  Cheri is the parent of four adult sons; one son has an intellectual disability and epilepsy. She also served for eight years as a member of the Elmbrook School Board.


April 17, 2024 12:00 pm - 1:00 pm(GMT-06:00)

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